by adam | Sep 8, 2021 | Updates
Many factors are, of course, at play in regards to the skyrocketing housing market. First and foremost on most people’s minds is: Will there be a correction? According to Natalie Campisi of Forbes, “What happens in the coming months and even years will depend on...
by adam | Sep 8, 2021 | Updates
Time to get ready for Spring! Spring is around the corner; it is time to enhance your curb appeal! Curb appeal is the first thing people notice about your house and it really needs to WOW them. You can do this through a multitude of options but landscaping can be one...
by adam | Sep 8, 2021 | Updates
For years now, real estate professionals have been predicting a “correction” in the Atlanta real estate market… In 2018 the 15 and 30-year yield curves intersected which all but guaranteed a change in direction in 3 quarters (this was the case in 2007 as well). We are...
by adam | Mar 8, 2021 | Updates
Take advantage of the Spring weather and higher foot traffic to boost the value of your home! Gardening can not only be therapeutic and fun but can add value to your listing. According to “Keeping the outside of your home clean and tidy improves...
by adam | Jan 8, 2021 | Updates
Jim Collins in “Good To Great” recommends creating for yourself a BHAG (pronounced Bee-HAG), or a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. This is your BIG WHY – the reason you get up in the morning!! Don’t be afraid to think BIG BIG BIG! As Jim Collins says, “With a big...